Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

Steht definitiv das eine oder andere interessante drin.
Hab versucht manuell über die Konsole den zweiten Kanal über "/usr/sbin/isdnctrl addlink ippp0" hinzuzufügen. Leider ist das Resultat:
Can't increase the number of links: ipppd doesn't exist
Wenn ich die isdnctrl aufrufe erscheint:
isdnctrl version 3.4
usage: isdnctrl <command> <options>
where <command> is one of the following:
addif [name] add net-interface
delif name [force] remove net-interface
reset [force] remove all net-interfaces
dialmode name [off|manual|auto] set the dial mode
addphone name in|out num add phone-number to interface
delphone name in|out num remove phone-number from interface
eaz name [eaz|msn] get/set eaz for interface
huptimeout name [seconds] get/set hangup-timeout for interface
ihup name [on|off] get/set incoming-hangup for interface
chargehup name [on|off] get/set charge-hangup for interface
chargeint name [seconds] get/set charge-interval if not given by telco
secure name [on|off] get/set secure-feature for interface
callback name [in|outon|off]
get/set active callback-feature for interface
cbhup name [on|off] get/set reject-before-callback for interface
cbdelay name [seconds] get/set delay before callback for interface
dialmax name [num] get/set number of dial-atempts for interface
dialtimeout name [seconds] get/set timeout for successful dial-attempt
dialwait name [seconds] get/set waittime after failed dial-attempt
encap name [encapname] get/set packet-encapsulation for interface
l2_prot name [protocol] get/set layer-2-protocol for interface
l3_prot name [protocol] get/set layer-3-protocol for interface
bind name [drvId,channel [exclusive]]
pre-bind interface to a channel
unbind name delete pre-binding
list name|all show current setup of interface(s)
verbose num set verbose-level
hangup name force hangup of interface
busreject drvId on|off set bus-reject-mode
mapping drvId [MSN,MSN...] set MSN<->EAZ-Mapping
addslave name slavename add slave-interface
sdelay mastername delay set slave-activation delay
trigger mastername cps set slave trigger level
dial name force dialing of interface
system on|off switch isdn-system on or off
addlink name MPPP, increase number of links (dial)
removelink name MPPP, decrease number of links (hangup)
pppbind name [devicenum] PPP, bind interface to ippp-device (exclusive)
pppunbind name PPP, remove ippp-device binding
addrule name rule ... add timeout-rule
insrule name rule ... insert timeout-rule
delrule name rule ... delete timeout-rule
showrules name show all timeout-rules
flushrules name rule-type delete all timeout-rules of a spec. type
flushallrules name delete all timeout-rules
default name rule-type ... set default for a spec. rule-type
budget name type ... set various budgets
showbudgets name show budget-settings
savebudgets name output budget-settings for later restore
restorebudgets name ... restore budget-settings
status name show interface status (connected or not)
-V display API versions
--version display isdnctrl version
Kann einer hier den Fehler erkennen? Bin ziemlicher Newbie...
Danke im voraus!