
Windows XP: Microphone acer extensa 5630 z

my integrated microphone does not work. it seems not to be correctly set up. can anyone tell me the name of the mic please?

Mein Computer-System:xp professional
Mein PC ist etwa 0-2 Jahre alt.

Antworten zu Windows XP: Microphone acer extensa 5630 z:

i am very frustrated, because i have a great speech controll software. (from for anyone who would like to try it) it works great on my home pc but the mic. on my laptop just wont work

ps: of course I have tried google,yahoo etc. to the full extent.

apparently the driver was not installed right. problem solved

« Windows XP: Neue Spiele Dvd's werden nicht erkannt. Wie kann ich dies ändern?Nie wieder ein ACER!!! »

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