Wine 1.1.1 für Linux freigegeben
14.07.2008, 16:37 Uhr. (7350x gelesen)
Die Entwickler von Wine haben die aktuelle Version 1.1.1 veröffentlicht. Neben Problemen mit der Installation von Microsoft Office 2003, Photoshop CS 3 und Wiedergabe von Videos, wurden noch folgende Probleme laut der Bugliste von Wine ausgemerzt:
1968 gunbound: Can’t connect to server (fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW)
2781 MSI/InstallShield: starting app generates ‚please report‘ error, and doesn’t start
3812 Installer stops at start of installation
4536 c2man mangles „DllAllocSplMem“ to „dll AllocSplMem“
5010 multiselect in regedit doesn’t work correctly
5074 Crash in Decl2005.exe
5335 Ecco Pro hangs when accessing „2nd-level“ dialogs
5565 staruml crashes on startup
5788 Giants Citizen Kabuto full and demos infinite loop
5931 The Marmot Project’s client TheTurtle crashes
6159 DeviceLock installer crashes in NdrSendReceive()
7447 Call to unimplemented function shell32.dll.SHGetIconOverlayIndexA
7508 Activesync 4.2 partially crashes on startup
7545 TestComplete 5.1 won’t start, complains about service
7787 InstallShield crashes trying to open temporary file
8208 Flanker 2.5 fails to launch
8745 openwatcom debugger hits unimplemented function vdmdbg.dll.VDMEnumProcessWOW
9200 Dogfights crashes on launch due to Unimplimented DLL function WinHttpOpen
9385 Ulead PhotoStudio 11 installer crashes
9604 JCreator: unimplemented interface in msxml
9634 unimplemented function compobj.dll.COCREATEGUID
9723 Fileplanet Comrade installer fails to download a file
9775 Syberia 2, Max Payne 1 & 2 – Screenshots and thumbnails broken
9854 Crestron Toolbox crashes
10171 make test fails in wine-0.9.47-458-ga8df7fd in oleaut32
10316 .net apps that use OleDB won’t run
10445 winhelp.exe problem displaying help file, related to LF / CR-LF end-of-line issue?
10485 Oblivion gameplay slows to an unplayable level when it rains
10623 Visual C++ 5 doesn’t know who registered it
10906 Thinstall openoffice demo aborts on unimplemented advapi.QueryServiceConfig2A
11033 unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif
11298 Impossible to accept licence in Assault Heroes demo
11705 Eve Premium 49635 doesn’t render correctly the outside Station
11889 Beyond Good&Evil installer crashes during installshield wizard preparation
12111 Bruker TopSpin: Cannot install due to an unknown administrator username
12541 Test Drive: Unlimited fails to start
12586 Counterstrike source crashes when connecting to a server
12749 Box symbol displayed in text (regression)
13077 Wine Crash with RUNTIME ERROR 216
13097 Graphics corruption in Hard Truck Apocalypse
13141 No blackground music in Black Moon Chrinicles
13218 Unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipFlush
13224 Download from the web no longer works with Picasa
13238 oleaut32 typelib.ok fails in Opensolaris
13374 ComboBoxEx list get selected on mouse button down and release
13538 netapi/access test doesn’t delete testuser home directories after the test
13574 Can not close help window – no close button [x]
13599 Can’t install Autocad 2005
13873 winhlp32+server hang when I don’t want to find the .hlp file myself
13952 voipcheap client:Call to unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipCloneImage
14029 Context menus do not work in Wrye Bash
14053 Winamp 5.53 fails to start due to a loader crash
14109 cannot download gecko with wine iexplore
14161 quartz regressions – crash in PullPin_Thread_Process & more
14221 bonjour service (mdnsresponder) crash in winsock/iphlpapi
14226 Fileplanet Comrade installer can’t create app xml file (xpath query result handling)
14234 WC Prophecy and SO crash in both software and D3D modes
14260 etax 2008 software cannot complete (has err:ole:CoGetClassObject error)
14261 Black rectangle covers most of the screen in Psychonauts when using FBO
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Wine 1.1.1 für Linux freigegeben