
She's realy blond .....

A blonde hurries into the hospital emergency room late one night with the tip of her index finger shot off.
"How did this happen?" the emergency room doctor asked her.
"Well I was trying to commit suicide," the blonde replied.
"What?" sputtered the doctor. "You tried to commit suicide by shooting off the tip of your finger?"
"No, silly!" the blonde said.
"First I put the gun to my chest, and I thought: "I just paid $6000 for these breast implants, I'm not shooting myself in the chest."
"So, then?" asked the doctor.
"Then I put the gun in my mouth, and I thought, "I just paid $3000 to get my teeth straightened, I'm not shooting myself in the mouth."
"So, then?"
"Then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought: This is going to make a loud noise, "so I put my finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger."

Antworten zu She's realy blond .....:


okay es ist ned schwer zu verstehen ABER warum auf englisch?

Das ist der Beweis: Blondinen brauchen kein Gehirn, um zu reden. ;)():-)

ABER warum auf englisch?
1. hab ihn so gefunden
2. bei Übersetzung verliert der ....
3. Englisch ist IT Sprache .... also : üben üben üben ......

Okay... ;D;D;D

ha 600 :D

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