ICh hab n großes Problem. NAchdem ich PhpNuke von 7.6 auf 7.9 upgeradet hab kommt jetzt immer ne Fehlermeldung:
UB","User NOT Subscribed"); define("_ADMSUBEXPIREIN","Subscription Expire in:"); define("_LASTIP","Last user IP:"); define("_BANTHIS","Ban This IP"); define("_HTMLNOTALLOWED","HTML code isn't allowed. Please use the editor functions instead."); define("_KARMAGOOD","Good Karma"); define("_KARMALOW","Regular Karma"); define("_KARMABAD","Bad Karma"); define("_KARMADEVIL","Devil Karma"); define("_COMMENTMODERATED","Your comments has been submitted, but since you have been marked by the administrator of this site as an user with Bad Karma, your comment is subject to prior approval by our staff. Please don't submit your comment twice or your Karma may fall to the next level.
Our staff reserves the right to approve or delete your comment at their sole discretion."); define("_MODERATEDTITLE","Comment Submitted - Approval Pending"); define("_MODERATEDRETURN","Return to Article's Page"); /*****************************************************/ /* Function to translate Datestrings */ /*****************************************************/ function translate($phrase) { switch($phrase) { case "xdatestring": $tmp = "%A, %B %d @ %T %Z"; break; case "linksdatestring": $tmp = "%d-%b-%Y"; break; case "xdatestring2": $tmp = "%A, %B %d"; break; default: $tmp = "$phrase"; break; } return $tmp; } define("_HTMLNOTALLOWED2","HTML code isn't allowed here."); ?>
und wenn ich auf "home" gehe kommt dann noch:
elect a New Topic"); define("_GOTOHOME","Go to Home"); define("_SEARCHONTOPIC","Search on This Topic"); define("_SEARCHDIS","Search Discussion"); define("_READPDF","Read as PDF"); define("_READWITHCOMMENTS", "You can read the complete story with its comments from"); define("_TOFINISHRATING","To finish the rating process and to let the system count your vote, please complete the requested information:"); define("_TOFINISHRATINGERROR","ERROR: The security code you wrote is incorrect...aber seht selbst : www.alienwarriors.com
Please write it exactly as given bellow:"); define("_YOURATEDARTICLE","Your vote was"); define("_COMMENTSMODERATION","Comments Moderation System"); define("_MODERATE","Moderate"); define("_CLICKTOMODERATE","Please select your moderation values for each comment on this article, then click on Moderate button bellow to save your comments moderation preferences. Be fair on each value, this will contribute and benefict all users/readers. Thank you."); define("_COMMENTSSYSTEM","Comments System"); define("_COMMENTPOSTERROR","Error saving your comment...
ERROR: The title or the main text of your comment are empty.
Please go back and correct the problem, then try again."); ?>
kann mir bitte jemand helfen!?!