
Win XP: PowerVCR II runtime error

PowerVCR II runtime error

Nach der Installation des neuen ATI Catalyst-Treibers 3.10 gab es nach Aufruf von PVCR II einen Runtime error! Neuinstallation von PowerVCR II samt Patch, ATI Treiber und DirectX 90b brachten ebensowenig Erfolg wie eine Systemwiederherstellung.Immer dieselbe Fehlermeldung!!
Meine PC-Konfiguration:
Win XP Prof.,ASUS 7n8X, Athlon2600+, 1,3 GB RAM, Sapphire Radeon 9500 Pro 128 MB, Typhoon TV/Radio-Karte mit Philips-Chip.

Antworten zu Win XP: PowerVCR II runtime error:

I have the same problem. Apparently there is a problem between PowerVCR and the Catalyst software from ATI. I also have the ATI 9800 screen card.
Would love to have a solution to the problem.


Here even more problems, I have a ATI all-in-wonder 9700pro and after installing PowerVCR 3.0 everything went bust. TV reception is impossible even with the ATI soft now. A system roll-back was impossible. Any sollutions?

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

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1. Alle Updates von Microsoft ziehen
   Download all Updates for your OS

2. DirectX deinstallen und die 8.0 Version testen
   Deinstall DirectX and reinstall the version 8.0

3. WDM-Treiber, falls möglich installieren
   If supported, install WDM-Drivers

That won't work.
This did the trick (it was a conspiracy between M$ and cyberlink)found after an immense search session:

« Windows media playerWindows Media Player!! Hilfe!! »

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