
Systemeinstellung für verschiedene TFT-Grössen möglich ??

Hat jemand eine Idee , wie ich 2 völlig verschiedene Firefox und Thunderbird Einstellungen ( 1x für 15" TFT , 1x für 20" TFT ) anlegen kann?? Oder evtl sogar 2 getrennte Systemeinstellungen ( auch Office usw betroffen) ??? Ideal wäre es ja , wenn man Systemeinstellungen separat abspeichern könnte und beim Start entscheiden , welche man braucht . Oder muss ich dafür 2x XP installieren ?? Da wird der Platz auf dem LAP (40GB-Platte) etwas knapp !!

Antworten zu Systemeinstellung für verschiedene TFT-Grössen möglich ??:

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Mit WIndows Boardmitteln kommst du da nicht weiter. Es gibt allerdings ein Tool,welches man auf der Heft CD der aktuellen PC Welt findet,allerdings ist mir der Name entfallen.

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Bist Du sicher ? Für mich klingt das nach Remote-Desktop ??

Bist Du sicher :Windows Powered Smart Display

The Windows Powered Smart Display is an extension of your Windows XP Professional desktop.  It uses Windows XP's Remote Desktop Connection, via a wireless LAN link, to access your Windows XP desktop from anywhere within your wireless LAN's range.

Okay, you're thinking, "This would be cool, but what's it really good for?".  You're sitting in your favorite recliner, watching the New England Patriots beat the daylights out of the Carolina Panthers in Super Bowl XXXVIII, and you remember that you were supposed to send your Mom an E-card for her birthday!  But wait! Halftime is almost over and the game is about to start again, and the PC is in the other room!  No problem.  Grab your Smart Display, log on to your XP Pro machine and its like you're sitting at the computer.  Open up Internet Explorer, go to your favorite E-card site and send away.

Features!  The Smart Display features an on-screen keyboard, supports handwriting recognition, and will even allow you to connect a USB mouse and/or keyboard to it.  Used with its optional docking station and a keyboard/mouse and its like a mini-desktop computer.  Of course, it has no storage of its own, but it doesn't need it. It uses the horsepower and storage of your Desktop computer.  Imagine having a 100 foot extension cable for your monitor, mouse and keyboard. That's what the Smart Display is!

What can you do with your Smart Display?  Almost anything you could do sitting in front of the PC itself.  Check e-mail, send an e-card, check stock quotes, check the line on the game your watching, listen to an Internet Radio Station with Media Player.  You probably won't want to try watching streaming video, as the quality of the display isn't quite up to that yet, but there's hope.

Just tonight, I did a clean installation of XP Pro on one of the machines in the house.  Once the basic install was done, I enabled Remote Desktop connections, then proceeded to make all the customization changes, installed my anti-virus software, did all the Windows Updates, set up e-mail accounts and all the usual "drudge work" while sitting on the couch watching my favorite TV show!  The computer was 45 feet away in another room!

Ok, how much of a pain is it to set up?  Setting up a Smart Display is almost fool proof. It comes out of the box with a power supply, stylus, USB wireless Ethernet Adapter the setup CD and and Upgrade copy of Windows XP Professional.  If you're already running XP Pro, then its a snap.  Just pop in the CD, and install the Smart Display software.  Connect the USB Ethernet adapter to your PC when prompted, connect the Smart Display so your connection information can be transferred and you're ready to go.  If you already have a wireless network in place, you can use it without the need for the USB wireless adapter.

Ok, what about us corporate types? You're a LAN Administrator or Help Desk Tech. Janet calls over the cubicle wall, "Hey, I've got a problem with my machine, can you come look at it?"  No problem.  Your LAN has wireless access points, you just grab your Smart Display, and remote into Janet's machine.  You're not even at your desk!  You fix her problem, and log out.  She's happy, you're happy, and headed on to the next issue.  Or, you're just a busy executive and you're in a meeting.  During the meeting its decided to send out an e-mail to your least favorite supplier telling them to shape up or find somewhere else to do business.  No need to wait, turn on your Smart Display, remote into your Desktop.  You left Outlook running, so you click New, Mail Message and away you go!

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Also bei mir steht das
Nicht alle Benutzer eines Mehrbenutzersystems haben gezwungenermaßen gleich gute Augen. So kommt es vor, dass der eine, eine höhere und der andere, eine niedrigere Auflösung bevorzugt. Windows setzt die Bildschirm-Auflösung und -Frequenz und die Farbtiefe jedoch systemweit. Folglich muss jeder Benutzer bei jeder Anmeldung seine Einstellungen händisch setzen. Vollautomatisch geht das über die Freeware XP User Display 2.0.

WO ? Ich habe das bei "Hersteller" gefunden ......

WO ? Ich habe das bei "Hersteller" gefunden ......

Guck mal hier:

Der Link von Rumak war etwas anders.

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Probiers doch einfach aus!

DANKE , werde ich bei gelegenheit machen , Muss dann wohl erstmal neue Benutzer anlegen .... Carsten

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