
google earth server nicht gefunden

ich habe das Thema zwar hier schon über sufu gefunden aber ne genaue aussage gab es nicht darüber wie das problem zu beheben ist das GE nict auf den Server connecten kann.

keine firewall (also doch aber ausgemacht für GE)
kein Router
Version: Neuste GE Pro

sagt ma wie ich das mache mit dem connecten danke im vorraus :)

Antworten zu google earth server nicht gefunden:

Ist das die aktuellste Version von GE?
Müsste 3.0.0762 sein.
Verbindet doch eigentlich von alleine
nach der Install.  :-\
Was für eine Firewall hast du?
Zufällig Norton?

Firewall is zonealarm tut aber nichts zur sache weil aus ...

Hab´s vorhin überlesen, du hast die aktuellste Version von GE Pro...ok.


I can't contact the Google Earth servers.

Most likely, a personal firewall program, aggressive anti-virus software, or adware is preventing Google Earth from freely accessing the internet via TCP/IP (port 80). If you receive any error messages containing the text c000000c or c000000b, this is also related to the software or programs listed above that could be causing the difficulties accessing Google Earth. Please check your router/firewall settings to set GoogleEarth.exe as an exception.

Tips regarding other common problems our customers have reported appear below:

- Please make sure that Internet Explorer doesn't have a check next to "Work Offline" located in the "File" menu. If this is checked, please select this option to uncheck this feature as Google Earth uses some settings from Internet Explorer to work successfully.

- If you use McAfee software, try turning off the firewall or configuring it separately from the virus protection.

- If you use Norton software, check that you have only one "permit" rule set for Google Earth. Norton software allows opposing "permit" and "block" rules to be set for the same application. Doing so results in a "block" of that application.

- Software that blocks popups can interfere with Google Earth. Try disabling this software before launching Google Earth.

If you've recently downloaded free software, it's possible that malicious software, commonly referred to as "adware," was bundled with this download and installed without your knowledge. If you suspect that adware is affecting your ability to use Google Earth, please let us know.


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