
Andere: Kanotix

I just reformatted and repartitioned a drive with QTParted, as follows:

01 /dev/hda1/ reiserfs 5.00GB
02 /dev/hda2/ linux-swap 258.86
03 /dev/hda3/ ntfs 4.06

I then continued installation of Kanotix 2-6-11.

I choosed Grub set-up and write to mbr record.

Now Kanotix installs and runs just fine.

My plan was however to install Windows XP on the ntfs partition from a Windows XP installation CD.

But I can't start the install procedure after having installed Grub for some reason.

On start up, the system probes the Windows install CD:
"Searching for Boot Record from CDROM..."

In other words, the system attempts to boot from CD first, as it can do with any other live linux distro etc., so nothing wrong with the bios settings, and the Windows install CD has worked before too.

Instead, after the system attempts to probe the
Windows install CD, I get the Grub choice menu:

Debian GNU/Linux, kernel
Debian/GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.11-kanotix-7
Windows 2K/XP/2003 (hda3)

So Grub recognises the ntfs formatted part, although there isn't anything on that yet.

If let Grub choose to load Windows, the screen says "Chanloader (hd0,2)+1", where it stops.....

I guess my mistake was to install Grub before Windows, and I should better have:
1) partitioned, 2) installed Windows 3) installed Kanotix+Grub, and all would probably work.

Anyone has any idea of how to get Windows to install to hda3 from here?

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