
Nach KDE update Probleme mit K3b

Moin Moin

Habe ein prob. mit dem K3b habe das KDE 3.2.3 Update gemacht und habe danach zusätzlich vcdimager und Transcode installt. Nun läuft das K3b nicht mehr hier der Absturzbericht hoffe es kann mir einer Helfen :

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/".
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 1102993056 (LWP 7188)]
0xffffe410 in ?? ()
#0  0xffffe410 in ?? ()
#1  0xbfffe12c in ?? ()
#2  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#3  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#4  0x4196de63 in __waitpid_nocancel () from /lib/tls/
#5  0x40efad82 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/
#6  <signal handler called>
#7  0x40c07dea in KToggleAction::isChecked () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#8  0x0809a6e1 in K3bMainWindow::queryExit (this=0x60) at k3b.cpp:654
#9  0x40c0b624 in KMainWindow::shuttingDown () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#10 0x40d3ed1e in KMainWindow::qt_invoke () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#11 0x40d3ee3d in KDockMainWindow::qt_invoke ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/
#12 0x405aa5d4 in KParts::DockMainWindow::qt_invoke ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/
#13 0x0809dcf0 in K3bMainWindow::qt_invoke (this=0x833d988, _id=69,
    _o=0xbfffe560) at k3b.moc:325
#14 0x412b7f8a in QObject::activate_signal ()
   from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#15 0x412b87e6 in QObject::activate_signal ()
   from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#16 0x40ed90dc in KApplication::shutDown () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#17 0x40ed946e in KApplication::qt_emit () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#18 0x40ed956b in KUniqueApplication::qt_emit ()
   from /opt/kde3/lib/
#19 0x08084382 in K3bApplication::qt_emit (this=0xbffff120, _id=15,
    _o=0xbfffe690) at k3bapplication.moc:107
#20 0x412b7fc6 in QObject::activate_signal ()
   from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#21 0x412b87e6 in QObject::activate_signal ()
   from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#22 0x415f10ca in QApplication::aboutToQuit ()
   from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#23 0x4126e69c in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#24 0x4125847f in QApplication::enter_loop ()
   from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#25 0x41447da2 in QDialog::exec () from /usr/lib/qt3/lib/
#26 0x40cd61b3 in createKMessageBox () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#27 0x40cd8922 in KMessageBox::errorWId () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#28 0x40cd89ab in KMessageBox::error () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#29 0x40ac2f84 in KDirOperator::setURL () from /opt/kde3/lib/
#30 0x0808460e in K3bDirOperator::readConfig (this=0x830c5a8, cfg=0x82df320,
    group=@0x40b0b150) at k3bdiroperator.cpp:56
#31 0x08091bdf in K3bFileView::setupGUI (this=0x831a750) at k3b.h:99
#32 0x08091a0b in K3bFileView (this=0x831a750, parent=0x60,
    name=0x60 <Address 0x60 out of bounds>) at k3bfileview.cpp:49
#33 0x08094102 in K3bDirView (this=0x833cbf8, treeView=0x60, parent=0x60,
    name=0x60 <Address 0x60 out of bounds>) at k3bdirview.cpp:141
#34 0x0809998c in K3bMainWindow::initView (this=0x833d988) at k3b.cpp:476
#35 0x0809676d in K3bMainWindow (this=0x833d988) at k3b.cpp:172
#36 0x08083529 in K3bApplication::init (this=0xbffff120)
    at k3bapplication.cpp:108
#37 0x0809e453 in main (argc=96, argv=0x60) at main.cpp:126

Hat einer ähnliche Probleme.

Antworten zu Nach KDE update Probleme mit K3b:

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button

Installiere K3b 0.11.10 neu, eventuell hilft das. Hier findest du ihn.

Moin Moin

Hat sich erledigt habe das K3b via der live DVD Aktualisiert und er läuft wieder.

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