Am ende des Jahres "sollte" openSUSE 10.2 erscheinen. In einigen "Fachzeitschriften" wurde schon darüber berichtet das es auser einigen Upgrades nichts neues geben wird.
Das ist falsch!
Alleine das Software Raid nun über BIOS geht ist neu und viele andere Neuerungen gibt es auch. Hier mal ein kleiner Auszug davon.
System & Software Management
- Performance enhancements with software management rug, libzypp
- Support hardware with SW-RAID support in BIOS
- Biometrical authentification
- 11R7.1
- Kernel 2.6.18
- install local rpm(s) with dependency checking and to register
directory as YaST source, Bug 174369, 168358
- add a button to YaST/zen-installer to add interesting installation
sources like freshmeat, sourceforge, packman etc.
- SUSEfirewall2, description of the ports and and ability to open or
close ports
- Moving from software selections to patterns as grouping of packages
Desktop & Productivity Software
- Gnome 2.16, with new menue out of SUSE Linux Enterprise
- KDE 3.5.4 , with polished menue
- adding VoIP solution Ekiga (formely known Gnome Meeting), Bug 147517
- support for rt2500 wlan card, Bug 149141
- add Intels 3D open source driver
- adding Broadcom WLAN support
Commercial software
- adding Wink, software for creating video tutorials and export them
to flash, (free software, available
for Linux as well)
- GoogleEarth, we try to get redistribution rights from Google