
Brauche hilfe mit updat von suse 10,1

hallo eigendlich will ich ja nur meine maxtor grafik karte den treiber installieren und updates holen nur er bringt mir immer die fehler meldung! und ich weis nicht was ich da machen soll!
Installing patch:qt3-1441-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:yast2-storage-1591-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:susehelp-1431-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:file-1587-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:MozillaFirefox-1585-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:sysconfig-1580-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:libzypp-1533-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
Installing patch:gnome2-SuSE-1428-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
atom:yast2-2.13.61-0.2.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] provides yast2 == 2.13.61-0.2, but it is uninstallable.  Try installing it on its own for more details.
There are no installable providers of yast2 == 2.13.61-0.2 for patch:libzypp-1533-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
atom:sysconfig-0.50.9-13.7.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] provides sysconfig == 0.50.9-13.7, but it is uninstallable.  Try installing it on its own for more details.
There are no installable providers of sysconfig == 0.50.9-13.7 for patch:sysconfig-1580-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
atom:MozillaFirefox-translations-[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] provides MozillaFirefox-translations ==, but it is uninstallable.  Try installing it on its own for more details.
There are no installable providers of MozillaFirefox-translations == for patch:MozillaFirefox-1585-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
atom:file-4.16-15.4.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] provides file == 4.16-15.4, but it is uninstallable.  Try installing it on its own for more details.
There are no installable providers of file == 4.16-15.4 for
atom:qt3-3.3.5-58.3.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] provides qt3 == 3.3.5-58.3, but it is uninstallable.  Try installing it on its own for more details.
There are no installable providers of qt3 == 3.3.5-58.3 for patch:qt3-1441-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates][SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] needed by patch:libzypp-1533-0.noarch[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]
atom:yast2-2.13.61-0.2.i586[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates] provides yast2 == 2.13.61-0.2, but it is uninstallable.  Try installing it on its own for more details.
There are no installable providers of yast2 == 2.13.61-0.2 for[SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates]

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lies dir mal genau den Artikel über Installationsquellen in yast hinzufügen.. durch und befolge die Anleitung.

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