
Ihre Frage:vaio vng nr38z

hello i have a vaio vng nr38z , a few weeks back i decidet to reinstall my WIN7 cause the old one was 3-4yo and was reallly full of errors. after the new install i started having a serious problem with the notebook , shortly after the reinstalation ,2-3 days, it started to go in to some kind of cycles of "thinking" doing literaly nothing, the cpu is at 50% disk read write at maximum ram is under 1/3 and there is NOTHING even started after the windows , if i try to open sth like an explorer or even  my computer it takes almost forever like a am using 50 programs at the same time . the computer behaves as it is overrun with stuff to do but it isnt. i did a 2cond reinstall and a third and a fourth with different win7 versions sometimes it takes a day or two sometimes a week but it still happens and the only choice i have left is a reinstall so i can use my laptop normaly again.If i do a force switchoff and restart  in safemode it works like a charm - no problems but it is useless like that, i even tried to backup just after reinstall and restore from that point on external hdd - doesnt matter , only a complete win reinstall helps it work normaly .the worst part is that it starts as a 10-20 sec process a few days later its a minute and after that it just gets totally stuck , even tried leaving it one night for more than 9h it was still "thinking" first thought it was ram so i changed it - no diference , than i thought driver downloaded everythyng from sony directly, thought about virus but it cant be i have only a primary C no other partitions and before win reinstall i always make a format... if sb has an idea or can help please do its much apritiated

Antworten zu Ihre Frage:vaio vng nr38z:

Führe mal einen AV-Scan von einer AV-Notfall-CD aus durch:
Erstelle eine bootfähige CD (oder einen bootfähigen Stick) - starte deinen Rechner darüber -> es werden alle Bereiche gescannt (auch die sonst von Windows geschützten Bereiche).

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Aus deiner kurzgefaßten Abhandlung wie du das Notebook "wiederhergestellt" hast, kann ein Fremder leider nicht ableiten was nicht korrekt durchgeführt wurde - oder ob sich vielleicht Schadsoftware in den Verwaltungssektor der Festplatte "eingenistet" hatte, die bei deinen Schritten nicht gelöscht wurde.

Laufwerk C: mal nicht nur "formatieren" - sondern die Partition löschen und völlig neu einrichten und formatieren - danach erst die Systemwiederherstellung.

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