Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?
Ok... was lange wärt..
jetzt verstehe ich gewisse Einträge. Hier nun alles zur Vorgeschichte....
Meine Probleme gingen los, als mein Vista immer wieder ohne Vorankündigung herunter gefahren ist. Dann häuften sich die Probleme. Irgend wann habe ich meine Daten gesichert, die Festplatte neu formatiert und wollte Vista neu installieren. Hier kamen Fehlermeldungen wie:
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:
1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.
2. Choose our language setting, and then clickt 'Next'.
3. Click "Repair your computer"
If you do not have this dis, contact your sytem administrator or computer manufaturer for assistance:
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurrred while attempting tor read the boot configuration data.
Enter = Continue
ESC = Exit
--------------------------------nächster Versuch---------------Ergebnis:
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent
damage to your computer.
If htis ist the first time you've seen this stop error screen,
restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follox
these steps:
Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is
identifiend in the Stop message, disable the driver or check
with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video
Check with your hardware vendor for any BIOS updates. Disabele
BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need
to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your
computer, prss F( to select Advanced Startup Options, and then
select Safe Mode.
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0x888E752B, 0x8C9FAEC, 0x00000000)
------------------------------------------nächster Versuch-----Ergebnis:
A problem has been detected and Windwos has been shut down to
prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen,
restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow
these steps:
Check to make sure any nex hardware or software is proberly installed.
If htis ist a nex installation, ask your hardware or software manufactuer
for any Windows updates you might need.
If problems contiunue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware
or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or
shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components,
restar your comuter, press F9 to select Advanced Startup Options, and then
select Safe mode.
Technical information:
*** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000004, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0x888BC4E3)
Habe nach Empfehlungen von Bekannten eine neue Festplatte und, weil das DVD Laufwerk anfing sich lautstark bemerkbar zu machen, gleich noch ein neues Laufwerk gekauft. Altes Laufwerk, neue Festplatte, weiterer Versuch Vista zu installieren, Ergebnis:
STOP: c00021a {Fatal System Error}
The initial session process or system process terminated unexpectedly
with a status of 0x00000000 (0xc0000221 0x0010034c.
The system has been shut down.
Screen wird schwarz und bleibt schwarz, PC lässt sich nur noch mittels Stecker ziehen, aus machen.