
Win XP: Blue Screen "**STOP: 0x0000007F (0x0000000D, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x0

Blue Screen "**STOP: 0x0000007F (0x0000000D, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)"
passiert überwiegend während Spielen das dann aber zB bei Stalker nach 10-15min.
Hab leider kA worans liegt hab hier mal das Dump ausgelesen mit dem MS Tool + Everest Bericht in der Hoffnung das das irgendwie hilft

Dump File:

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 X86
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini050409-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available

Symbol search path is: *** Invalid ***
* Symbol loading may be unreliable without a symbol search path. *
* Use .symfix to have the debugger choose a symbol path. *
* After setting your symbol path, use .reload to refresh symbol locations. *
Executable search path is:
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
* *
* The Symbol Path can be set by: *
* using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. *
* using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
* using .sympath and .sympath+ *
Unable to load image ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntoskrnl.exe
Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 3) UP Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8055b1c0
Debug session time: Mon May 4 13:04:55.393 2009 (GMT+2)
System Uptime: 0 days 3:49:50.099
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
* *
* The Symbol Path can be set by: *
* using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. *
* using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
* using .sympath and .sympath+ *
Unable to load image ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntoskrnl.exe
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 1000007F, {d, 0, 0, 0}

***** Kernel symbols are WRONG. Please fix symbols to do analysis.

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for nv4_disp.dll
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for nv4_disp.dll
*** ***
*** ***
*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***
*** ***
*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***
*** ***
*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***
*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***
*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***
*** work. ***
*** ***
*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** Your debugger is not using the correct symbols ***
*** ***
*** In order for this command to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***
*** ***
*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***
*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***
*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***
*** work. ***
*** ***
*** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB ***
*** ***
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
* *
* The Symbol Path can be set by: *
* using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. *
* using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
* using .sympath and .sympath+ *
* Symbols can not be loaded because symbol path is not initialized. *
* *
* The Symbol Path can be set by: *
* using the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. *
* using the -y <symbol_path> argument when starting the debugger. *
* using .sympath and .sympath+ *
Probably caused by : nv4_disp.dll ( nv4_disp+398f00 )

Followup: MachineOwner

Everest Bericht:
--------[ EVEREST Ultimate Edition ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Version EVEREST v5.01.1700/de
Benchmark Modul
Berichtsart Kurzbericht
Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail)
Datum 2009-05-04
Zeit 16:59

--------[ Übersicht ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Computertyp ACPI-Uniprozessor-PC
Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows XP Professional
OS Service Pack Service Pack 3
Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18372 (IE 8.0 RC1)
DirectX (DirectX 9.0c)
Computername PBONE (PBone)
Benutzername Carlos
Domainanmeldung PBONE
Datum / Uhrzeit 2009-05-04 / 16:59

CPU Typ AMD Athlon XP, 2100 MHz (10.5 x 200) 3000+
Motherboard Name Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe (5 PCI, 1 AGP Pro, 1 WiFi, 3 DDR DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN)
Motherboard Chipsatz nVIDIA nForce2 Ultra 400
Arbeitsspeicher 2048 MB (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)
DIMM1: 1 GB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (3.0-4-4-8 @ 200 MHz) (2.5-3-3-7 @ 166 MHz) (2.0-3-3-6 @ 133 MHz)
DIMM3: 1 GB PC3200 DDR SDRAM (3.0-4-4-8 @ 200 MHz) (2.5-3-3-7 @ 166 MHz) (2.0-3-3-6 @ 133 MHz)
BIOS Typ Award (11/12/04)
Anschlüsse (COM und LPT) Kommunikationsanschluss (COM1)
Anschlüsse (COM und LPT) Kommunikationsanschluss (COM2)
Anschlüsse (COM und LPT) ECP-Druckeranschluss (LPT1)

Grafikkarte NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT (128 MB)
3D-Beschleuniger nVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT
Monitor LG Flatron 995FT Plus [19" CRT] (11081814)

Soundkarte Creative SB Live! 5.1 Digital (SB0220) Sound Card

IDE Controller NVIDIA nForce2 IDE Controller
Massenspeicher Controller SCSI/RAID Host Controller
Massenspeicher Controller Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid Controller
Festplatte ST3160021A (160 GB, 7200 RPM, Ultra-ATA/100)
Optisches Laufwerk HL-DT-ST DVD-ROM GDR8162B (16x/48x DVD-ROM)
Optisches Laufwerk SCSIVAX DVD/CD-ROM SCSI CdRom Device
Optisches Laufwerk SCSIVAX DVD/CD-ROM SCSI CdRom Device
S.M.A.R.T. Festplatten-Status OK

C: (NTFS) 52619 MB (19624 MB frei)
D: (NTFS) 99998 MB (24782 MB frei)
Speicherkapazität 149.0 GB (43.4 GB frei)

Tastatur Standardtastatur (101/102 Tasten) oder Microsoft Natural Keyboard (PS/2)
Maus HID-konforme Maus

Primäre IP-Adresse
Primäre MAC-Adresse 7A-79-00-00-00-01
Netzwerkkarte Hamachi Network Interface - Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Miniport (
Netzwerkkarte Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Netzwerkkarte NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Controller (

Drucker \\SAX-UA\hp LaserJet 3030 PCL 6
Drucker Microsoft XPS Document Writer
FireWire Controller nVIDIA MCP2 - FireWire Controller (PHY: Realtek RTL8801B)
USB1 Controller nVIDIA MCP2 - OHCI USB Controller
USB1 Controller nVIDIA MCP2 - OHCI USB Controller
USB2 Controller nVIDIA MCP2 - EHCI USB 2.0 Controller
USB-Geräte Razer Diamondback 3G

DMI BIOS Anbieter Phoenix Technologies, LTD
DMI BIOS Version ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe ACPI BIOS Rev 1013
DMI Systemhersteller ASUSTeK Computer INC.
DMI Systemprodukt A7N8X-E
DMI Systemversion REV 2.xx
DMI Systemseriennummer xxxxxxxxxxx
DMI Motherboardhersteller ASUSTeK Computer INC.
DMI Motherboardprodukt A7N8X-E
DMI Motherboardversion REV 2.xx
DMI Motherboardseriennummer xxxxxxxxxxx
DMI Gehäusehersteller Chassis Manufactture
DMI Gehäuseversion Chassis Version
DMI Gehäuseseriennummer Chassis serial Number
DMI Gehäusekennzeichnung Asset-1234567890
DMI Gehäusetyp Desktop Case
DMI gesamte / freie Speichersockel 3 / 1

danke im vorraus!

Antworten zu Win XP: Blue Screen "**STOP: 0x0000007F (0x0000000D, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x0:

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button

Hast du vielleicht einen Druckertreiber neu installiert?

Nein hab ich nicht.

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button

Tja, die Möglichkeiten für die Ursache sind leider vielfältig.

Vielleicht findest du hier irgend etwas, was zu deinem Fehlerbild passt: STOP 0x0000007F 

Kannst es mal mit dem Hotfix versuchen.(download install)

Grafikkarte NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT (128 MB)
schauen ob Du dafür einen aktuelleren Treiber bekommst.

Und bitte nicht mehr so viel Posten,nicht jeder ist ein lieber
Junge im Netz.

ist was mit der graka.

« Windows Vista: Bios wird nicht bis zum Ende ausgeführt. Win XP: Nach Windows-XP Neuinstallation kein Zugang zum Internet »

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