
Win XP Error: Setup_wm.exe - Entry Point Not Found!

While trying to install the Windows Media Player 11, I am encountering following error message:
"The procedure entry point_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll"
Where as I could see that this file had been copied and pased on the Windows Media Player.
One time I could able to run the setup program and it has been installed but I could not able to open it.
When I click to open the program I am having the same error message as mentioned above.
Can anyone help to resolve the issue!

Antworten zu Win XP Error: Setup_wm.exe - Entry Point Not Found!:

Is Service Pack 2 installed?

« Win XP: Festplatte Error (WICHTIG !!!)Win XP: SSE2 ja nein? »

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