
ECS RC410L/800-M (V2.0)

Hi! I have this motherboard, I know that is an old motherboard, but I need the bios std-8110.rom, this bios fix bsod when I install Windows 7. Can you please share this BIOS? Thank you very much!

Antworten zu ECS RC410L/800-M (V2.0):

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Please contact the board's manufacturer as sharing the file might cause copyright-issues. Plus: Only then you are save to get a working file and no malware from a random user!

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Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button
1 Leser hat sich bedankt

Bitte selber gucken, je nach LAN chip ist die version zu wählen.

Das bord mit win7 wird nix ohne das bios. Schon 2007 hatte jemand mit Vista vergleichbare probleme. Linux wäre hier wesentlich besser.

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There is no bios in the links.

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Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button
Hi! I have this motherboard, I know that is an old motherboard, but I need the bios std-8110.rom, this bios fix bsod when I install Windows 7. Can you please share this BIOS? Thank you very much!

It seems that this motherboard is simply too old for Windows 7.
And in your other crossposting thread ( was written that a BIOS update will not fix the issue because those errors are likely caused by hardware or device driver issues.

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