
PC freezes

ey Guys,

as described my pc freezes while playing different games.
Everything runs smooth for several minutes but suddenly everything freezes.
The only thing I can do is to restart my computer via power button v reset button.

I have already googled a lot and have tried many different things of people who desribed a similar problem.

Here is my speccy:

- All important drivers are updated as well as my bios.

- did a sfc scan. No results.

- Temperature of all my components seems to be fine while playing.

Hope one of you guys out there can help me. I am really done.

Best regards and thank you in advance

Antworten zu PC freezes:

Have you already checked the memory?


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How can I check my Memory?

Search the tool MemTest 7.0 on the net


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It says:

Start a second instance of the memtest and read it in parallel


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did it.

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

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I have 4 RAM Slots on my Mainboard. on which would you plug in the ram? does it even matter?

OK then I have no more advice.
Maybe someone will come up with an idea.


What does your manual say about the mainboard?

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does this help :?

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btw. Thx for your help! appreciated :)

what games are different games?  [???]
maybe u have problems with your graphics adapter's drivers or the power supply is too weak  :(

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How can I make sure, that my power supply is good enough?

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

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1 Leser hat sich bedankt

what is the power supply type?
Please specify the performance information of the power supply. your speccy information (temperatures) is read in the idle state?

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