
Sonstiges: The Cassette To iPod Converter

This is the device that converts audio tape cassettes into MP3 files and stores them directly onto an iPhone or iPod touch. It accepts most iPhones and iPod touches, and normal or chrome cassette tapes. With its free app, conversion to MP3 is as simple as inserting a cassette, docking an iPhone or iPod touch, and pressing play. Tapes can be listened to using the headphones jack (headphones required) or by connecting its audio output to a stereo system for scanning forward or reverse to select tracks for conversion. Cassettes can also be converted to a PC running Windows 7, XP, or Vista or a Mac using the included software. Its small footprint allows easy portability for conversion anywhere at anytime. Requires two AA batteries. 4 1/2" L x 3 1/4" W x 1 1/4" D. (8 oz.)
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