
Musik: Half A Million Nerds


hab grad das Teil im German-Blog gefunden und find das Lied so genial, dass ich es gleich mal posten musste ;) (Wayne's interessiert: der Original-Blog-Eintrag "Vielstimmige Experimente: eine Meinungsumfrage"

MP3 Jan Krueger: Half A Million Nerds

Original-Songtext: (oder auf Deutsch)

Half A Million Nerds
Lyrics, composition, performance, engineering: Jan Krueger

I first noticed it on IRC
No scriptkiddies, no spam and no abuse
I thought perhaps a netsplit isolated me
But when nothing changed I checked the news
It was all over reddit, stumble, Digg and Slashdot too
Romania is gone, no one knows why but it is true
A funny language, now it's gone, the countryside as well
I can't believe it, that must be what it's like in hell

'Cause half a million geeks
Will never see the light of day again
Can't you see it's wrong
All the rest were freaks
With no brains and no attention span
I don't think they belong
But half a million nerds
I can't tell you how much it hurts

Great, now reddit doesn't update anymore
How am I supposed to last the day
I don't remember what I did before
Let's see what the stale news have to say
There it says on CNN, New York City disappeared
That would explain why reddit's dead, the killers interfered
Who are they, what are their goals and why the bloody war
Lots of brilliant people dead, I can't take it anymore

'Cause half a million geeks
Will never see the light of day again
Can't you see it's wrong
All the rest were freaks
With no brains and no attention span
I don't think they belong
But half a million nerds
I can't tell you how much it hurts

Who cares about the normal folks, chatty and really slow
For all intents and purposes they are just for show
Good riddance to boring people, but why kill all the nerds
This monumental wrongfulness, I can't explain in words

'Cause half a million geeks
Will never see the light of day again
Can't you see it's wrong
All the rest were freaks
With no brains and no attention span
I don't think they belong
But half a million nerds
I can't tell you how much it hurts
But half a million nerds
I can't tell you how much it hurts

Klingt an einigen Stellen zwar etwas schief, aber bei nem Amateur-A-Capella-Song kann man da noch drüber hinwegsehn ;)

Ciao, Luke[/font]

Antworten zu Musik: Half A Million Nerds:


Welch seltener Besuch : MOIN MOIN !!

genial, der song


I first noticed it on IRC
No scriptkiddies, no spam and no abuse

das mag ich am irc

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