
MBR Schutz im Phoenix Bios deaktivieren?


ich versuche seit einiger Zeit erfolglos, DriveCrypt Plus 3.9 zur HD Verschlüsselung auf meinem Sony Vaio zu installieren.

Der Support gab mir den Tipp, im Bios den MBR bzw. Virenschutz zu deaktivieren, da dieser den ursprünglichen MBR immer wieder herstellt und daher keine Installation von DriveCrypt möglich ist. Leider bietet das Phoenix Bios keine Option zur Deaktivierung des MBR Schutzes:

Was sagt der Experte? OT vom Support war wie folgt:

Please notice that using DCPP, SATA must be supported in the ROM BIOS via INT 13h of the computer in which it is installed, if the system boot disk is to be encrypted.

Note that some laptops have a built-in protection that restore the Master Boot Record every time you boot the computer. This can prevent some virus or malicious program to infect your computer, but in other way, softwares like DCPP (bootauth) will not work properly.
Please make sure you don't have a MBR protection and disable any antivirus or a tool like Norton which can monitore your HDD activity (specially MBR). In BIOS all antivirus protection should be disabled also.
Please, contact the laptop's manufacturer and ask if your laptop has some kind of MBR protection and how to disable it. As we know, some laptops must have the HD formatted to loose this feature.


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