


was ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen Ad-aware 1.06
und Ad-Aware 6

Antworten zu Ad-aware:

Is meiner Meinung nach beides das selbe.

Ad-Aware 1.06 und Ad-Aware 6.

Unterschiedlich sind höchstens diese Versionen hier:

Ad-Aware SE Professional Edition
Ad-Aware Personal, usw.

Das kannste hier nachlesen:

das schreibt lavasoft:
"Important notice to all Ad-Aware 6 users: Please upgrade to Ad-Aware SE. We have discontinued reference file and product support for Ad-Aware 6 in October 2004 and urge users to upgrade their existing copies to the new Ad-Aware SE. We continue support of the older version of Ad-Aware to allow users time to upgrade while still enjoying the protection they have come to expect from our software."

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