
Question about Ipad2 and wifi?

Question about Ipad2 and wifi?
I want to buy an Ipad 2 for my mom for mothers day. She does not have a computer or the internet now. If I buy the ipad, how can I hook up the internet to her. I'd order the internet from my ISP so can I just buy a router? Is just a router with no pc or laptop enough for the ipad? Please advise.

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You need a PC/Laptop at least once to configure the Router.
Most Routers do not allow configuration/setup by wireless access.

After the configuration-process the pc/laptop is not necessary any more.

Kind regards

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you can also get the 3G iPad with a monthly data plan from your mobile provider (like T-Mobile USA). this way your mother can Access the Internet everywhere!

(Btw., this is typed on an iPad :) )

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