Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

So, ich habe da noch das Spiel "Saints & Sinners Bowling" ausprobiert... gleiches Problem.
Da hab ich allerdings - juchu - eine Config gefunden:
$pref::Audio::channelVolume1 = 0.75;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume2 = 0.75;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume3 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume4 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume5 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume6 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume7 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume8 = 1;
$pref::Audio::driver = "OpenAL";
$pref::Audio::environmentEnabled = 0;
$pref::Audio::forceMaxDistanceUpdate = 0;
$pref::Audio::masterVolume = 1;
$pref::bowlmore::pins::seperator = 1.025;
$pref::Bowlmore::protoSettingsRowId = "PINBALL_SHOVE_SHOW_CURSOR";
$pref::Client::loadTickCount = "121";
$pref::CloudsOn = "1";
$pref::Decal::decalTimeout = "1471228928";
$pref::Decal::maxNumDecals = "256";
$pref::decalsOn = "1";
$pref::Editor::visibleDistance = "2100";
$pref::environmentMaps = "1";
$pref::FakeUnregistered = "0";
$pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::KeyboardEnabled = "1";
$pref::Input::KeyboardTurnSpeed = 0.1;
$pref::Input::LinkMouseSensitivity = 1;
$pref::Input::MouseEnabled = "1";
$pref::Interior::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::Interior::DynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Interior::LightUpdatePeriod = "66";
$pref::Interior::lockArrays = "1";
$pref::Interior::ShowEnvironmentMaps = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexturedFog = "0";
$pref::Interior::VertexLighting = "0";
$pref::lastMaxAnisotropy = "16";
$pref::Master0 = "2:master.garagegames.com:28002";
$Pref::Net::LagThreshold = "400";
$pref::Net::PacketRateToClient = "1024";
$pref::Net::PacketRateToServer = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketSize = "1000";
$pref::NextLoaderTip = 1;
$pref::NumCloudLayers = "3";
$pref::OpenGL::allowCompression = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::allowTexGen = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBMultitexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBTextureCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTCompiledVertexArray = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTFogCoord = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTPalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTTexEnvCombine = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableSubImage = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::gammaCorrection = "0.5";
$pref::OpenGL::maxHardwareLights = "3";
$pref::OpenGL::mipReduction = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noDrawArraysAlpha = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noEnvColor = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::sgDynamicDTSVectorLighting = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::sgDynamicParticleSystemLighting = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::textureAnisotropy = "4";
$pref::OpenGL::textureTrilinear = "1";
$pref::pins::ballOneHeightOffsetRatio = -0.1;
$pref::pins::ballOneRadiusRatio = 0.45;
$pref::pins::ballThreeHeightOffsetRatio = 0.4;
$pref::pins::ballThreeRadiusRatio = 0.3;
$pref::pins::ballTwoHeightOffsetRatio = -0.3;
$pref::pins::ballTwoRadiusRatio = 0.45;
$pref::pins::cylinderHeightOffsetRatio = -0.05;
$pref::pins::cylinderHeightRatio = 0.9;
$pref::pins::cylinderRadiusRatio = 0.4;
$pref::pins::massCenterRatioX = 0;
$pref::pins::massCenterRatioY = 0;
$pref::pins::massCenterRatioZ = -0.2;
$pref::pins::numberCollisionBoxes = 6;
$Pref::player::CurrentFOV = 45;
$pref::Player::defaultFov = 60;
$pref::Player::Name = "SnS Bowling";
$pref::Player::renderMyItems = "1";
$pref::Player::renderMyPlayer = "1";
$pref::Player::zoomSpeed = 0;
$pref::PublicDistribution = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheLighting = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheSize = 20000;
$pref::sceneLighting::purgeMethod = "lastCreated";
$pref::sceneLighting::terrainGenerateLevel = 1;
$Pref::Server::AdminPassword = "";
$Pref::Server::BanTime = 1800;
$Pref::Server::ConnectionError = "You do not have the correct version of the Torque Game Engine or the related art needed to connect to this server, please contact the server operator to obtain the latest version of this game.";
$Pref::Server::FloodProtectionEnabled = 1;
$Pref::Server::Info = "This is a Torque Game Engine Test Server.";
$Pref::Server::KickBanTime = 300;
$Pref::Server::MaxChatLen = 120;
$Pref::Server::MaxPlayers = 64;
$Pref::Server::Name = "Torque Test Server";
$Pref::Server::Password = "";
$Pref::Server::Port = 28000;
$Pref::Server::RegionMask = 2;
$Pref::Server::TimeLimit = 20;
$pref::shadows = "1.0";
$pref::SkyOn = "1";
$pref::Terrain::dynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableDetails = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableEmbossBumps = "1";
$pref::Terrain::screenError = "4";
$pref::Terrain::texDetail = "0";
$pref::Terrain::textureCacheSize = "220";
$pref::testSevenTen = 0;
$pref::TS::autoDetail = "1";
$pref::TS::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::TS::fogTexture = "0";
$pref::TS::screenError = "5";
$pref::TS::sgShadowDetailSize = "0";
$pref::TS::skipFirstFog = "0";
$pref::TS::skipLoadDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::skipRenderDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::UseTriangles = "0";
$pref::Video::allowD3D = "1";
$pref::Video::allowOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::appliedPref = "1";
$pref::Video::clipHigh = "0";
$pref::Video::defaultsRenderer = "GeForce 7600 GT/PCI/SSE2";
$pref::Video::defaultsVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::deleteContext = "1";
$pref::Video::disableVerticalSync = 1;
$pref::Video::displayDevice = "OpenGL";
$pref::Video::firstRun = "0";
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "1";
$pref::Video::monitorNum = 0;
$pref::Video::only16 = "0";
$pref::Video::preferOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::profiledRenderer = "GeForce 7600 GT/PCI/SSE2";
$pref::Video::profiledVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::quality = "3";
$pref::Video::resolution = "800 600 32";
$pref::Video::safeModeOn = "1";
$pref::Video::windowedRes = "800 600";
$pref::visibleDistanceMod = "1";
Wenn ich die Zeile
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "1";
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "0";
ändere, dann kann ich dass Teil wenigstens im Fenstermodus spielen. Ist es denn irgendwie dennoch möglich, das Ding in Fullscreen laufen zu lassen?
Vielleicht weiß ja einer von euch, wo das Problem liegt...