
Wie bekomme ich unedlich geld bei insaniquarium

Ich brauche hilfe ich habe mir das spiel insaniquarium gekauft und habe es jetzt schon fast 3 monate aber ich habe gehört dass man sogar unedlich geld haben kann !!
Wie funktioniert Das

Lg Lala 12 Jahre 

Antworten zu Wie bekomme ich unedlich geld bei insaniquarium:

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button

okay werde ich machen was muss ich da tun

Hat dir diese Antwort geholfen?

Danke ButtonHilfreiche Antwort Button

kA, hab es mir nicht angesehen.
Aber ich denke, dass da ein paar Cheats drin stehen, die du im Spiel verwenden kannst. 

ähmm da ist alles in englich was soll ich jetzt machen
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding. You have to first get two users past the first
tank. After that, get one user to rack up some shells (at least 500 to 1000).
Then, type give at the main menu. A screen should appear with your two user
names. There should be one name on top of the other. For example:

Remember the order. Refer to the user name on top as "User 1" and the one on
bottom as "User 2". Remember the user number for the user with the shells.
Then enter the game folder (usually c:program filespopcap gamesinsaniquarium
deluxe). Enter the "userdata" folder in the game directory. Copy the user file
(the number being either 1 or 2, depending on which user you want the shells
to be transferred). Copy those user files and paste them in a safe place (such
as the Windows Desktop). Then, give all of the shells from one player to the
other. Exit the game and the move the user file you put in the safe location
back into the "userdata" folder in the game directory. Select "Yes" or "Yes
to all" when asked if you want to overwrite the files. Start the game again.
The user who you gave the shells to will still have those shells, but the
user who gave that person the shells will still have the shells that you
had in the beginning. You can do this repeatedly for unlimited shells.

übersetzt mir einer dass der gut englich kann
schau : 

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