Hab mal nachgeschaut da gibts anscheinend ein Problem wenn du zuviele Maps + zuviele Autos hast dann zeigt er nur weisse Flächen oder so, musst paar Maps und Autos rausnehmen aus den Ordner die du nicht nutzt dann sollts gehn, irgendein Speicherproblem vom Spiel oder so is das..
Hier noch dr Orginaltext:
Map & Vehicle IDF Limit
There has been a lot of Confusion on the amount of add-on Maps & Vehicles that we can use in our game folders at the same time
This is to do with a combined space problem in Insane between the Maps and Vehicles IDF limit.
After downloading maps and vehicles and putting them in your game folders if you are selecting a map and you find that you have a white area where the map should be then this means you are over the limit.
Your next step will to remove either some of the downloaded map or vehicle idf's that you don't use, Remember the removed files do not have to be deleted you can just move them into other folders somewhere else on your drive in case you want to swap and change them at a later date.
(Tip I found 1 add-on vehicle = 2 or 3 maps depending on file size)
I advise you to keep all the standard Map’s & Vehicles that was installed with Insane
The main reason for this is
If you remove Standard Maps it will effect your generated / random maps
If any of the standard maps (or the automap folder located in the maps folder) are missing the game will not function properly when map's are Generated or Randomized.