WinUAE – neue Version 2.0
16.12.2009, 11:09 Uhr. (4611x gelesen)
Der Programmierer Toni Wilen hat für seinen kostenlosen Amiga-Emulators „WinUAE“ die neue Version 2.0 zum Download freigegeben. Neben vielen Änderungen und Verbesserungen des Programms soll auch die Genauigkeit der Emulation der Amiga Modelle A500 und A1200 verbessert worden sein.
– Huge A500 cycle exact mode compatibility improvement.
– Improved unexpanded A1200/CD32 emulation compatibility.
Approximate cycle-exact 68EC020/68020 emulation implemented, includes
emulated 68020 instruction cache, approximate prefetch emulation.
– 68040 MMU emulation (from Aranym) For example Enforcer and M68K Linux
compatibility. Not compatible with JIT.
– A2065 Zorro II hardware ethernet card emulation.
– CD32 drive emulation compatibility improved, includes animation CD
– Old game protection dongles emulated (Leaderboard, Robocop3, etc..)
– Built-in Vista/Windows 7 WASAPI sound API support.
– Real harddrive safetycheck only complains if drive is mounted
read-write and has mounted Windows partitions.
– Full NTSC timing implemented (long/short line toggle etc..)
– „AutoVSync“ mode that change native refresh rates automatically.
– Basic CPU frequency/bus multiplier configuration option added.
– Gayle IDE emulation compatibility improved.
– Single sided PC/Atari ST disk images supported.
– AVI and wave sound recording improved.
– File paths support http, https and ftp protocols.
– Automatic split DMS support.
– File dialog file type setting is stored to registry/ini.
– Display width is not anymore restricted to values divisible by eight.
– Bsdsocket emulation MSG_WAITALL implemented, CVS compatibility fix.
– Uaescsi.device TD_REMOVE implemented.
– DMA cycle debugger implemented.
– RTG screen mode on-screen leds.
– „Add PC drives at startup“ does not mount drives that are also
configured as real harddrives.
Behobene Fehler:
– Programmed refresh (non-PAL or NTSC) rate modes had bad sound.
– Right border background color error in some programs.
– On the fly USB input device insert changed unrelated keyboard layout
– Non-DMA mode sprites work again (broke long time ago)
– 5.1 sound mode had wrong center and sub mixing ratio.
– CD32 pad default mapping green and yellow, RDW and FFW reversed.
– Uaescsi.device TD_GETGEOMETRY off by one error and no media status fixed.
– Directory filesystem ACTION_FH_FROM_LOCK notification bug fixed.
– Some types of serial ports were not detected.
– Randomly appearing single jumping black scanline finally fixed.
– Command line quote parsing was not compatible.
– Mouse didn’t capture properly in mouse driver (tablet) mode.
– Directory harddrive duplication was possible in configuration file if
path included national characters.
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WinUAE - neue Version 2.0