Show a large version of an Instagram profile-picture
05/09/2018 (1782x read)
Want to see a large version of an Instagram profile picture? That’s not as easy as viewing the fullscreen version of any other Instagram photo, but with this tip it’s possible! By just clicking on a profile picture nothing will happen – or Instagram will play the latest story that this Instagrammer posted.
To see the large version of an Instagram profile image, you can’t use the app but must use the Instagram API – or a tool that uses this API and let’s you watch the profile picture. One easy way is the website Just enter the name of the Instagram user, which profile-picture should be displayed in big – you can see or even download the image afterwards!
Only the Instagram developers know, why this isn’t just easily with a click in the app availabe (just like the Faqcebook or WhatsApp Profile picture). If you want to see more than one large Instagram profile image you should bookmark that page!