schon bissel verrückt dieser Kasten 
Wenns mein Problem waere, was koennte es noch sein...? *grübel,grübel*
Ich habs!, - naja könnte sein- du benötigst Installationsdisks von IBM, weil das ja so ein Specialteil ist von wegen nix von cd booten und so - erkundige Dich bei Hersteller.
Ich hab nochmal ne Runde gegoogelt, ich glaub die Rettung naht 

>Thanks. It turns out, I've gotten two defective processors. I'm getting a new one, "Defective processors are rare, and having 2 is outright near impossible." I have encountered this issue with Mup.sys merely by changing the hard drive with windows XP on it to a system that is identical in every way. And even had this occur simply by changing the microprocessor for an identical one... my guess is that windows XP somehow is accessing the hardware ID in the microprocessor, (even though I always have it turned off in the BIOS). MUP.sys - Multiple UNC provider...x heres a fix posted on another site Start the Recovery console or.. Start the computer with the boot disks or Windows CDROM After the Welcome to Setup dialog box appears, press R to repair, and then press C to start Recovery console. Choose install Windows and log on as Administrator. At the command prompt type "disable Mup.sys" "MUP stands for "Multiple UNC Provider" which assists Windows in locating resources when more than one redirector is on a machine such as "Microsoft Client for Microsoft Networks" and the "Novell Client for Novell Netware". When a connection to a server is requested it does not know if the request is to a Novell server or an NT server. It will start looking for the server with the primary protocol on the primary requestor and then continue looking for the server on each protocol bound to each redirector until the server is found." Restart the computer and all should be well. ich das verstehe, wird "the
hardware ID in the microprocessor" getestet.
Also bei der Install nicht auf "Xp jetzt installieren", sondern die Reparaturkonsole starten. Der simple Befehl: "disable Mup.sys" sollte den Eigentumsschutz Versuch des IBM unterbinden.
Das Beste was ich dazu finden konnte, viel Erfolg

Mit lieben gruss aus Hamburg,